When the Wrong Tools Become Deadly
If you don’t have the proper tools for the job, you could be risking more than you bargained for.
For example, years ago, I made a huge mistake. I guess some might call it stupid.
I fell off a roof.
How is that a mistake? That could happen to anyone, right?
Well, not like this.
And I hesitate to even mention this…
The short of it is there was an issue with our chimney and
I simply just needed to get on the roof and take care of it.
Normally a 5-minute task.

The problem was that it was dead of winter, and the roof was covered with ice.
So I did what any normal male genius would do, I put screws in an old pair of sneakers to give me traction on the roof.
I probably don’t need to tell the rest of the story.
For now, let’s just say I had the wrong tools for the job at hand.
That mistake could have been a lot more costly than it was.
We’ve all made those kinds of mistakes, right?
We are going to make mistakes. That’s just life.
And in trading, mistakes are made all the time. Fortunately,
the potential cost of those mistakes is limited to material wealth.
Sometimes it is a LOT of material wealth…but it is still limited
to that category.
What I want to do by telling you my little roof fiasco was to help
you avoid making a very costly mistake in your trading.
One that could literally cost you hundreds of thousands, if not a million+ dollars.
Would you like to avoid making a mistake that could cost you a million bucks?
Of course you would.
What’s the mistake?
Not having the right tools for the right job.
And when you don’t have the right tools for the job, there are detrimental consequences.
In trading, there are two kinds of risks.
The risk of what you have, and the risk of potential gains.
The risk of losing out on potential gains is far, far more costly than risks of what you have.
When you equip yourself with the proper tools, you are putting the odds in your favor.
Tools such as proper education, compounding, analytical tools, trade finding tools, trading tools.
There are a number of ways to equip yourself.
After years of trading inefficiently, I figured out that the industry just did not have the tools I needed.
So I went to work and created 3 powerful tools that I use every single day in my trading.
I cannot even imagine trading without them now.
Are you willing to risk hundreds of thousands in potential gains because you don’t have the proper tools for the job?
We’ve all made mistakes in our trading career.
Don’t let having the wrong tools for the job be the most costly.
And that is the Truth About Trading.
Trade Smart,
Ryan Jones
SmartTrading Founder-
P.S. You can use the tools I use everyday, go here now to check them out.
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