The “Hush, Hush” Secret to Trading Success

The Impending Market Correction

I’m not saying the market is going to crash, but a decent retracement is looking more and more likely.

In the past, you may have taken the same approach as most professional managers, which consists of squeezing  something real tight and hoping it doesn’t hurt too much. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

In fact, if you have any kind of stock portfolio at all, you can actually MAKE a healthy chunk of change on any market correction.

Find out how, here.

The “Hush, Hush” Secret to Trading Success…

Go to many trading sites in the industry and you will notice that there is one piece of information that either doesn’t exist at all, or is covered in such generic terms that it is hardly addressing the subject matter at all. It is almost like a “hush, hush” subject.

Yet, in my opinion, it is the number one subject traders should pay attention to and understand if they want to ultimately be successful in their trading ventures.

So, this begs the question, if understanding this particular subject is the biggest contributing factor to a trader’s success, then why do so few in the trading industry pay so little attention to it?

You would think they would WANT to focus on this and traders would flock to buy their products/services.

It just makes no sense.

Well, the answer to this question may be a difficult one to swallow, and as a trader, you need to sit down and ask yourself:

“Do I really understand this, the way I need to understand it, in order to give myself the highest probability of success?”.

The reason so few in the trading industry address this subject thoroughly is because you don’t want them to.

Say again?

That’s right, traders don’t want this put in their face…and they prove it because when it is put in their face, they don’t buy the product or service.

Actually, I should probably say the number of traders who buy the product or service drops significantly.

So, reacting to market demand, the customer is always right, and the subject is altogether ignored or relegated to insignificance so that it is a “hush, hush” subject.

and this to your detriment.

So what in the world am I talking about?


Understanding the risk of what you are trading is the single most important subject in all of trading.

And it gets almost no attention.

It gets no attention from most in the trading industry, and when it is addressed, many traders gloss over it, if not ignore it altogether.

But as a serious trader, you MUST understand it.

The path to success goes right through the valley of risk and there is no shortcut, there is no alternate path to avoid it.

If you want to be successful, you don’t gloss over it, you don’t shy away from it, you don’t ignore it, you grab it by the horns and you don’t let go.

It will change everything.

Your understanding (or lack thereof) of the risks involved affects:

  • What to trade
  • How long to trade it
  • How much capital to start trading with
  • What money management strategy to apply to it (when to increase/decrease trade size)
  • Your mental and emotional responses to the performance (psychology)
  • Your ability to stick to the rules
  • When to stop trading it

There is almost nothing in the decision making process that is not CHANGED by what you believe and understand about the risks involved in whatever you are trading.

If you don’t have a solid understanding of the risks involved, you will make WRONG decisions based on wrong information.

So it is true, risk does not sell.

But if you want to be successful…

Understanding risk is something you better buy into.

And that is the Truth About Trading.

Trade Smart,
Ryan Jones

SmartTrading Founder-

44% Compounded Return–Low-Risk Trade Alerts

Over the past two years the S&P has seen a 7.31% return on investment, my TradePartner Trade of the Week boasts an impressive 44% ROI year-to-date, and I anticipate this upward trend to persist.

Employing Ryan’s CashFlow Option Spread Strategy with my own unique touch, this strategy prioritizes establishing a substantial mathematical advantage while keeping potential risks at an exceptionally low level.

Learn how to implement this strategy

Don’t Miss My Next Live Trade Call

Once a week I meet with a select group of traders. I’ll go over trades I’m looking at, strategies, and answer questions. I want you to join me on these calls.

We’ll be looking at: Trade Setups, Different ideas for Increasing Probabilities, Ideas for Increasing Profit Potential, How to Construct a Series of Low Risk Trades, Market Condition Changes, Exact Trades I’m taking and why.

Watch this video discussing low-risk, high-probability trades!

When you do, I am going to GIVE YOU a detailed, easy-to-follow trading plan designed to grow a $5,000 account into as much as $1,364,000 over the next 5-years using trades just like the one you see in the video.