In today’s Super Seasonal Trade of the Week we will look at General Motors (GM).
Below are the seasonal stats on General Motors, and the chart to the right shows a key area of support/resistance. If this level holds, the stock might try to follow its historical seasonals.

Analysts rate it a Buy, with a $50.13 price target in next 12-months…

If a reader wanted to play a breakout of the stock at the $35.10 level, here’s just 1 idea to buy shares:

If a reader wants to wait for a pullback, this 31 “area” might serve as a potential area of support:

If a reader is bullish now, here’s a decent Call to consider buying…
- 33 Strike Call for Jan 19, 2024 expiry. Current mid-debit of $3.40.

If a reader is bullish now, here’s a debit spread to consider…
- 33/36 Debit Call Spread for Jan 19, 2024 expiry. Current mid-debit of $1.53

As you likely know, there are literally dozens of solid ways to approach trading General Motors (GM) with a bullish bias. In addition, there are a plethora of ways to manage a position, so unfortunately I cannot give you a “best” way. The decision of how to best invest in the stock or trade the options is an individualized decision, unfortunately there is no one best way. Hopefully this information has proved worth your time. Please remember, do your homework, and fully understand the risk before trading anything.
To learn more about seasonal information on General Motors (GM) and other solid seasonal opportunities click here SuperSeasonals. For other seasonal opportunities, please click on the link below to access the Super Seasonals software: